Is the Air Inside the Private Jet Cabins Clean?

Air pollution levels inside planes are often far worse than those outside. On commercial flights, passengers may breathe in particles up to 10 times bigger than those in outdoor environments. And according to research conducted by the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, even the air inside a Boeing 737-800 could contain about 50 micrograms per cubic meter of particulate matter, compared to just 2 micrograms per cubic meter outdoors.
But given the enclosed nature of an airplane cabin, some people worry it is somehow more prone to hold onto pathogens or viruses than other spaces. It is because there is less airflow, meaning pollutants tend to accumulate. However, this isn't a problem as long as the plane is kept pressurized at around 8,500 feet above sea level.
The World Health Organization says that "airline cabins do not pose a greater risk of infection than many other indoor environments."
Air Pollution - How it becomes a primary health concern?
Air pollution inside an airplane cabin isn't just annoying - it can be dangerous. Airborne particles are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs and cause serious health problems. People are most susceptible to breathing difficulties during takeoff and landing because the cabin pressure drops suddenly.
The problem is exacerbated by the fact that planes don't have vents like cars. Instead, they rely on recirculated air pulled in through the engines and distributed throughout the cabin via ductwork. It makes it harder to filter out airborne contaminants.
But things are improving. In recent years, airlines have been installing filters in the ventilation system that help reduce particulate matter and bacteria levels. And according to the World Health Organization, the average concentration of PM2.5 pollutants dropped by 50% between 1990 and 2016.
How does Blueheight Aviation maintain Air Quality?
There are several ways in which Blueheight Aviation maintains good air quality on board a private jet. It includes having a clean cabin, maintaining temperature levels, and ensuring that the air conditioning system works properly.
Most private jets at Blueheight Aviation use a 100% fresh air system, meaning that the air inside the plane is always completely new. Even many newer planes now come with a recirculation system that allows passengers to choose whether they want to breathe recycled air or fresh air. Recirculating air systems are less expensive to run, but it does mean that some particles can escape into the cabin., says Rajesh Singh, CEO of Blueheight Aviation.
- By Employing Fresh Air Systems
In a 100% fresh air system, air from the outside enters the aircraft via the engines on a steady base, then compressed and sterilized before it enters the cabin, where it circulates throughout the entire interior. This process ensures that no contaminants enter the cabin and that the air inside remains completely clean.
Vents and valves are used simultaneously to extract air from the cabin, usually replacing cabin air within 2 minutes.
The circulation minimizes the spread of viruses, and bacterial contamination as the air being brought in is continuously refreshed.
Aircraft which use fresh air systems include all of Gulfstream's model aircraft.
The cabin's air supply passes through very high pressure and temperature before being cooled and entered into the cabin, destroying impurity.
2. Using Air Re-circulation through HEPA filters
Airplane cabins are often kept at a specific pressure level to maintain comfort. This pressure helps prevent moisture from condensing inside the cabin. To keep the cabin dry, some airlines use recirculated air systems. Recirculated air systems take in some fresh air but mix it with air already in a cabin that is cleaned before it is reused.
The amount of fresh air mixed with recycled air depends on the type of plane and whether there are passengers aboard. If you fly alone, it might make sense to let the cabin air circulate completely; however, if you're flying with others, you'll want to ensure that the cabin stays relatively clean. In addition to keeping the cabin clean, some airlines have introduced HEPA filtration systems, which capture bacteria and viruses before the air is reconditioned.
These are the same filtering systems used in hospitals and other environments where sterile air is necessary. They can capture a minimum of 99.9% of contaminants at 0. to 3 microns in size. This makes them ideal for use in airplane cabins.
Is it true that the air inside an airliner is not as clean as we think it is?
Yes, the air inside a commercial jetliner is not as clean as you think. However, this is only because the airline industry has been trying to reduce costs using recycled air instead of fresh air. A judicious mix of two in most private jets keeps the clean inside cabin fresh and contaminant free.
Blueheight Aviation uses a 100% fresh air cabin system. The air is constantly renewed and circulated throughout the entire cabin. This ensures that no contaminants enter your cabin and that the air remains clean.